The drive mode of fan includes direct connection, coupling and belt. What is the difference between direct connection and coupling??
1. The connection methods are different.
Direct connection means that the motor shaft is extended, and the impeller is directly installed on the motor shaft. Coupling connection means that the transmission between the motor and the main shaft of the fan is realized through the connection of a group of couplings.
2. Work efficiency is different.
The direct drive operates reliably, with low failure rate, no loss of rotation, high efficiency but fixed speed, and is not suitable for accurate operation at the required operating point.
The belt drive is easy to change the working parameters of the pump, with a wide range of pump selection. It is easy to achieve the required operating parameters but is easy to lose rotation. The drive efficiency is low, the belt is easy to damage, the operating cost is high, and the reliability is poor.
3. The driving mode is different.
The main shaft of the motor drives the rotor through the speed change of the coupling and gearbox. In fact, this is not a real direct transmission. This transmission is generally called gear transmission or coupling transmission. The real direct transmission means that the motor is directly connected to the rotor (coaxial) and the speed of both is the same.
4. The use loss is different.
Belt drive, which allows the speed of rotor to be changed through pulley with different diameters. By avoiding excessive starting tension, the working life of the belt is greatly extended, and the load of the motor and rotor bearing is reduced. Always ensure the correct pulley connection.

Post time: Nov-16-2022