Material: AL (Aluminium), GRP (Glass Reinforced Polypropylene), GRN (Glass Reinforced Nylon), AST (Anti-static Nylon).
Range sizes: 250mm – 1600mm
Air Volume: 195.000 m3/h
Pressure Range: 1.500 pa
Aerofoil Blade
Aluminum, GRP, GRN and AST blade.
High Efficiency
Fully Adjustable
More Power
High Quality Material
Interchangeable Components
Robust Construction
Modern Design
Smaller Sizes
Hubs are manufactured from fully die cast aluminum alloy as standard.
The blades are with adjustable pitch angle to optimize the duty point.
Full details are available on our selection program.
Manufactured under a certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.
The performance is tested international standards by BS 848-1:1985 and ISO 5801.
All curves to a density of p = 1.2 kg3/m, at 20°C.
All measurements of the sound that the fans generate have been taken strictly in accordance with BS 848-2:1985 for test method 1 and ISO 13347-2 for acoustic performance.
Sound data are determined according to BS EN ISO 5136 – In-duct method.
ISO 12759 Fans – Efficiency classification for fans.
Dynamically balance according to ISO 1940 with G2.5 mm/s quality standard.
Please contact our sale department or login for selection program.